Is High Command Inquired About Demolitions?

Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy, deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka, minister Uttam Kumar Reddy have rushed to New Delhi this morning. It is learnt that the trio flew to the national capital after being summoned by the Congress high command.

While the public were of the opinion that they were called to discuss about minister portfolios or finalizing the leader for the PCC chief post, it is learnt that they were called to discuss a completely different issue.

Surprisingly, none of the trio spoke to the media after meeting the Gandhis.

The other day, N-Convention belonging to actor Nagarjuna was demolished by HYDRAA, on charges that the building was constructed encroaching the lake nearby. Revanth Reddy constituted HYDRA to reclaim lake lands encroached by contractors and influential leaders under the supervision of IAS officer Ranganath.

A few days ago, Sports Village, worth Rs 40 crore and belonging to former Union minister Pallam Raju’s brother was razed to the ground, in the dark of night, without serving any prior notice.

Pallam Raju is known as a staunch loyalist of Gandhi family and Congress party.

It is learnt that immediately after the demolition, Raju complained about the matter to Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi.

Though the Gandhis said that they would speak to Revanth Reddy and asked him to meet the CM, Pallam Raju did not show any inclination to meet Revanth Reddy. Hence, the Gandhis called him to Delhi.

According to sources, Sonia Gandhi reportedly asked Revanth Reddy how could he demolish the Sports Village, which was constructed 15 years ago, without serving any notices.

There is buzz that the Congress high command is trying to know the main motive behind the formation of HYDRA.

It has to be seen how far the whole issue would go and who else would be targeted.