Fact Check: Fake Video On Anna Canteen

Anna Canteen is one of the most prestigious implementations of the TDP+ government after coming to power and it is being actively carried out with over 100 canteens in operation in the state.

However, YCP affiliated social media handles started to share a video from an Anna Canteen last evening. In the video, we see a person holding a plate in what appears to be dirty water. 

YCP social media team carried the narrative that the plates that are used in Anna Canteen are washed with dirty water. This appeared to be a vehement attempt to tarnish the image of Anna Canteens which are feeding thousands of people every day. 

However, the Fact Check wing of Andhra Pradesh government quickly busted the narrative set by a section of YCP social media team. 

“It can clearly be seen in the video that the clogged water is that of hand wash area. In operation, the plates and utensils are never cleaned in the premises. There’s a designated place where the plates and utensils are cleaned using hot water and sterile water. Utmost hygiene is followed in the everyday operations of the canteens.” It is clarified. 

With this, the attempt to shed poor light on Anna Canteens using this 40 second video has been busted. Soon after, there’s been a public backlash on the concerned group for spreading misinformation on a rightful cause like Anna Canteens which are feeding the poor and needy everyday.