KCR, KTR, Kavitha Missing The Trick?

Usually when there’s a natural disaster that affects the lives of a substantial number of people, it is customary for the leading politicians in the state to step out and express solidarity with the public.

But in the case of Telangana, it has pretty much been one way traffic with CM Revanth Reddy getting on the ground and monitoring the relief effort.

As for KCR, he has stationed himself in the farmhouse and hasn’t stepped out despite the worrisome situation in Khammam. Perhaps, KCR’s health condition might not permit a full fledged tour but at least a courtesy call from the former CM might be the need of the hour.

As for KTR, his USA trip came at a bad time as he flew abroad to spend time with his son. While KTR might not have anticipated this flooding while scheduling the trip, his absence here at this crucial point in time is overwhelmingly evident. More than anything, getting on the ground in these testing times would have brought KTR closer to the masses.

Coming to Kavitha, she was released from jail only recently and she must be recuperating after having spent nearly six months in jail. But considering that both KCR and KTR are unavailable, it is perhaps Kavitha’s time to lead the BRS troops.

Harish Rao has been touring the flood-hit areas occasionally but the absence of the main men KCR and KTR is too big of a void to fulfil. In the end, it appears that the KCR household is evidently missing the trick with regard to the current situation.