If That Is Done, HYDRAA Is Going To Be Untouchable

Following a case that was filed against HYDRAA, with regard to the legality of the agency and the fundamental rights granted to it, the Telangana High Court questioned the government about the intentions of the agency. The court’s reprimand came at a time when HYDRAA has been working at the rate of knots and running terror down the spines of illegal occupants. 

When asked about the court’s order, HYDRAA chief AV Ranganath had a strong and affirmative response. 

“It came to my notice that certain people are questioning the credibility and legality of HYDRAA. This agency has been commissioned through GO 99 and an ordinance validating this will be passed in the coming Telangana assembly sessions which are 6 weeks away. I am expecting the ordinance to come out in October. Once that is done, HYDRAA will be another wing just like the task force and Greyhounds, but with a much bigger jurisdiction” Ranganath said. 

It is evident that CM Revanth Reddy, the creator of this program is bound to present the HYDRAA bill in the coming assembly session. Once this is approved, an ordinance regulating HYDRAA shall be passed and the agency will be virtually unstoppable then.

But the challenge for Revanth Reddy will be to get this bill passed at any cost. Needless to say, BRS and BJP will anyway oppose this bill. It could be argued that a few Congress MLAs might also not be in approval of this as their illegal occupations are also under HYDRAA’s radar. But considering the kind of tactician that Revanth it, he is likely to materialize a foolproof plan to make it happen.