AP Govt Facing ‘iron test’

The TDP coalition government was formed three months ago and it is facing an ‘iron test’.

The Centre is hell bent on privatization of the Vizag Steel Plant but the workers unions are opposing it and leading an agitation against it. They already had launched relay hunger strike but the Centre is still continuing with its agenda.

In a latest move towards the privatization, the smeltering unit has been closed and supply of coal to the factory has also come to a grinding halt, hitting 70 per cent of the production.

At the same time, the permanent employees are being asked to opt for voluntary retirement. The workers unions are faulting the higher authorities and intensified their agitation in the last week.

When TDP state president Palla Srinivasa Rao visited the VSP recently, they grilled him over the efforts of the TDP government in stalling the privatization process.

Palla asserted that the AP government would protect the VSP from being privatised and tried to instil confidence in them. The workers even suggested that supply of coal should be resumed or the administration of the factory should be handed over to them, to put the VSP’s functioning back on track.

However, Modi’s government has not given nod to any of the suggestions. It is inclined to privatise the plant, they rued.

In this backdrop, the TDP coalition government is facing a real litmus test of its promise and commitment to protect the rights of the VSP employees.

Union Labour minister HD Kumaraswamy, at a meeting held last week, is learnt to have shown interest in privatization of VSP.

Now, the VSP workers are demanding that the TDP coalition government should mount pressure on the Centre to stop the privatization procedure.

At the same time, the VSP employees are also of the opinion that the TDP is also being hand in glove with the BJP in view of the alliance forged with the national party.

It has to be seen how the TDP coalition government would navigate through the crisis and do good to the VSP workers.