YCP Rajya Sabha MP YV Subbareddy has approached the AP High Court against the investigation initiated against him by the Vigilance Enforcement Department. There have been allegations of irregularities in Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) during Subbareddy’s tenure as chairperson.
Based on the allegations, the Vigilance Superintendent has asked Subbareddy for clarifications. Reacting to this fresh controversy, Subbareddy claimed that all decisions taken by TTD during his tenure were collective. “The Vigilance Department has no authority to intervene in the internal matters of TTD. I contacted the Superintendent for the concerned documents he was alleging, but there was no response from his end,” said Subbareddy.
With no reply from the Vigilance Enforcement Department, Subbareddy approached the AP High Court and filed a petition to dismiss the investigation against him.
This petition will be taken up on Monday, September 23rd, by Justice Krishna Mohan.
Never before has TTD witnessed such controversies surrounding it; the YCP is to be blamed for it.
This post was last modified on 21 September 2024 12:49 pm
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