Kalvakuntla Chandrasekhar Rao, the former chief minister of Telangana state is keeping a low profile in politics. Despite his party members being targeted by opposition, KCR is not in his full form. However, he recently came out and addressed his party members. He criticised Revanth Reddy for his language and the way he is ruling the state. Meanwhile, KCR surprised everyone by driving a car in his farm house.
A few pictures have come out on social media where KCR is seen driving a car along with Maheshwaram MLA Sabitha Indra Reddy’s son Patolla Karthik Reddy. KCR drove the car at his Erravelli farmhouse and posed for pictures.
The other day, KCR addressed a gathering of party activists from Palakurthy assembly segment. During the meet, KCR said people have realized what they have lost with the defeat of BRS in the assembly polls last year.
It is time for KCR to become active again and strengthen his party to take on the opposition.
This post was last modified on 10 November 2024 7:23 pm
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