The tragic incident of a stampede at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad, which resulted in the death of a woman named Revathi during the release of Pushpa-2, has sent shockwaves through the public. Following this, a case was filed against Tollywood star, Icon Star Allu Arjun. Today, Allu Arjun was arrested by the Chikkadapalli police.
In the wake of this arrest, Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy made his statement. He clarified that the law would take its course and that he had no involvement in the arrest of Allu Arjun. Revanth added that everyone is equal before the law, emphasizing that no one is above it.
Meanwhile, Allu Arjun underwent medical tests at Gandhi Hospital, and he is now being transported to the Nampally Court under heavy police security.
On the other hand, former Minister and BRS working president KTR strongly condemned the arrest of Allu Arjun. He expressed his disapproval of the actions taken, calling the arrest a sign of the government’s insecurity. KTR criticized the treatment of Allu Arjun as a common criminal, despite the actor not being directly responsible for the incident at Sandhya Theatre.
KTR also targeted CM Revanth Reddy, questioning why he had not been arrested for the deaths caused by the demolitions of Hydra, using the same logic. He condemned the government’s actions and called the arrest a reflection of their sense of insecurity and overreach.
The debate continues, with KTR defending Allu Arjun and criticizing the government’s handling of the situation, while Revanth Reddy reiterates that the law is taking its own course in this case.
Tags Allu Arjun Revanth Reddy