Pic Talk: Telangana Police Gets A New Logo

The government of Telangana had been making several cosmetic changes to the branding and imagery of certain departments. First, it was the change of names for the vehicle registration service, which went from “TS” to “TG”. Then it was the alteration of the Telangana Thalli statue.

Now it is the turn of Telangana police department to undergo a visual change in terms of logo. The new badging logo of Telangana Police has been unveiled and it is visually different from the old logo.

One noticeable change from the old logo to the new logo is the removal of the word “state” in the digital format. Earlier, it was “Telangana State police”, and now it is “Telangana police”.

As for the colour complexion, the earlier one was a few shades darker while the new one is comparatively lighter in terms of colour scheme. The rest all looks identical.