In a shocking turn of events, Allu Arjun was arrested and then released on bail in connection with the controversial Sandhya theatre episode. This is one of the most debated topics in the Telugu states in recent times.
Now it is the turn of Andhra Pradesh deputy chief minister Pawan Kalyan to have his say on this matter, and he was pretty straightforward with the same.
Pawan Kalyan did not blame any single person or entity for what had happened, but he opined that the issue needed more amicable handling from Allu Arjun’s side.
“Gotitho poyyedanni goddali daaka techukunnaru” were Pawan’s exact words, as per media reports. He stated that either Allu Arjun or anyone from the team should have consoled the affected family immediately after the incident happened.
Pawan Kalyan approved the way chief minister Revanth Reddy dealt with the case. “The CM was considerate enough to support the industry with benefit shows and ticket prices. When it came to law and order, he acted in a very impartial manner. He showed that no one is above the law, not even a cinema hero.”
The deputy CM said he himself would not have disputed the case if he faced such legal consequences to such a sorrowful incident. He opined that there’s no credence to the narrative that Allu Arjun got arrested for forgetting Revanth Reddy’s name.
Pawan noted that even Chiranjeevi used to watch film screenings with fans, but he used to take certain camouflage measures and cover himself up to avoid recognition.