With the Telangana High Court giving green signal to hold the tenth standard board examinations, the Telangana government has prepared the scheduled and released it to the media. From June 8th, the exams will resume and the last exams will conclude on July 5th.
Following the instructions of the High Court, the TS sarkar allotted two days gap between the each exam. Telangana education minister Sabitha Indra Reddy said that they have increased the examination centres to 2500 and all the measures will be taken to conduction the exams.
Here is the schedule:
June 8th – English (Paper 1)
June 11 – English (Paper 2)
June 14th – Maths (Paper 1)
June 17th – Maths (Paper 2)
June 20th – Science (Paper 1)
June 23rd – Science (Paper 2)
June 26th – Social (Paper 1)
June 29th – Social (Paper 2)
July 2nd – Oriental Main Language Paper 1 – Sankranthi/Arabic
July 5th – Oriental Main Language Paper 2 (Occasional course)
This post was last modified on 22 May 2020 7:07 pm
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