Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman took to Twitter to express her displeasure over Infosys company for their maintenance of the income tax e-filing portal. The new income tax e-filing portal was launched on Monday. As soon as the portal was launched, many citizens tried to access it but they encountered many technical glitches. The minister took to social media, asking the Infosys co-founder Nandan Nilekani to make sure the taxpayers are not let down.
After many people reported the outrage issues, Nirmala Sitharaman appealed to the IT company to take care of the same.
“The much awaited e-filing portal 2.0 was launched last night 20:45hrs. I see in my TL (timeline) grievances and glitches. Hope @Infosys & @NandanNilekani will not let down our taxpayers in the quality of service being provided. Ease in compliance for the taxpayer should be our priority,” said a tweet from Sitharaman’s account. The Income-tax department also retweeted the same.
Infosys manages the IT infrastructure of GSTN and also processes GST returns. The company launched a new portal for the immediate processing of Income Tax Returns (ITRs). It also ensures quick refunds to taxpayers. A single dashboard is developed for all the interactions with regard to paying taxes.
This post was last modified on 8 June 2021 4:02 pm
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