After the heroic performance for Sunrisers Hyderabad, in the recent edition of IPL, the fate of Nitish Kumar Reddy changed almost completely. He is now the best performing player in the Indian cricket side, which is to Australia, a rather hostile country for touring teams.
Ready, took his heroics to the next level with his splendid batting performance in the second innings of the fourth test match. The compact right hand scored his maiden test century in this innings and steered India from what could have been a pathetic situation.
In view of this heroic performance from Nitish Kumar Reddy, the Andhra cricket Association has done something appreciable. The chairman of ACA Kesineni Chinni announced a financial contribution of Rs 25 lakh to Nitish. He will be handed over the cash reward soon after he is back in India after completing the ongoing Australia series.
Andhra cricket Association has made it very clear that they will continue to back Nitish Reddy for his invaluable contribution to Indian cricket. It is good to see the Andhra cricket board, which infamously faced allegations of mistreatment of players in recent years is changing its method of operations now.
Tags Nitish Reddy