A three-year-old girl lost three fingers after her hand got stuck in a gaming machine at a play zone in a prominent mall in Hyderabad. The accident occurred on Saturday afternoon, and the family has lodged a complaint in Banjara Hills police station accusing the mall management and game zone staff of negligence. The child, Mehwish Lubna, was playing on the gaming machine when its rear door, which covers the machinery, was open, and her hand got sucked in. Three fingers of her right hand and the tip of her left hand index finger were crushed. Lubna was rushed to the hospital by her mother, where doctors had to amputate three fingers on her right hand.
The family, which lives in Ibrahimnagar, said there was no staff on the floor, and none came to their help at the time of the accident. When the girl’s parents asked for CCTV footage, the mall representatives claimed they did not have coverage in the specific area, but her father alleged that the footage was erased.
“A case was registered against the mall under IPC section 337 (negligence), and once we get the medical report, the section will be altered to IPC 338 (causing grievous hurt by act endangering life or personal safety of others),” said Banjara Hills inspector S Karunakar Reddy.
The incident highlights the importance of safety measures at play zones and the need for proper monitoring and staff presence. It is crucial for establishments to take responsibility for their customers’ safety and ensure that proper protocols are in place to prevent such accidents.
This post was last modified on 8 May 2023 10:11 am
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