Actor Prakash Raj, who faced backlash for a previous social media post regarding Chandrayaan-3, has now congratulated ISRO for the successful lunar landing. In a recent tweet, he expressed pride in India’s achievement and termed it a significant moment for both the country and humanity. Despite his attempt to shift the narrative, social media users continued to criticize him, accusing him of trying to downplay his previous comments.
Prakash Raj’s earlier post featured a cartoon that was interpreted by many as mocking former ISRO chief K Sivan. He later clarified that the post referred to an old joke from the time of Neil Armstrong’s Moon landing. He defended his intent, placing the onus on those who misunderstood the humor.
In his latest tweet, Prakash Raj praised ISRO and highlighted the importance of the accomplishment. However, social media users remained skeptical of his change in tone, reminding him of his previous actions.
This post was last modified on 24 August 2023 8:30 am
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