US: Officer Jokes About ‘Jaahnavi Kandula’, After Police Vehicle Killed Her

Jaahnavi Kandula, a 23-year-old Indian student was run over by a police car and she was killed. The incident happened in January this year and the bodycam footage of the cop Kevin Dave captured the death of Jaahnavi. He was heard admitting he killed an Indian grad student while responding to a call and he was heard saying ‘I f**ked up’. Dave was speeding at 74mph in a 25mph zone.

Now another video from the bodycam footage of a different officer came to light and more shocking details are revealed. Danie Auderer, the vice president of the Seattle Police Officers Guild arrived at the scene of the tragic incident on January 23. Auderer who specializes in drug recognition, was assigned to evaluate where Dave was impaired.

Auderer left his bodycam on and he called guild president Mike Solan to report what happened. Auderer is heard laughing and joking about the incident and Jaahnavi Kandula. He laughs loudly and says,’Just a regular person. Just write a check. 11,000 dollars. She was 26 anyway. She had limited value.’

Auderer further said, ‘I mean, he was going 50 mph. That’s not out of control. That’s not reckless for a trained driver.’ Contradicting this, a report released in June revealed Dave was driving 74 mph in a 25mph while responding to a different ‘high priority call’.

Auderer Body Cam Release

A probe was launched against Danie Auderer and the Seattle Police Department released a statement saying, ‘The following video was identified in the routine course of business by a department employee, who, concerned about the nature of statements heard on that video, appropriately escalated their concerns through the chain of command to the chief’s office, which referred the matter to OPA for an investigation into the context in which those statements were made and any policy violation that might be implicated.’

Katie Maier, the assistant director of operations at the Office of Police Accountability, confirmed an investigation was initiated after the agency received a complaint Aug. 2 from an employee with the Seattle Police Department. Maier declined to comment further citing an ongoing investigation.

Read: US: I F**ked Up, Speeding Seattle Cop Who Killed Indian Student