In a remarkable turn of events, the popular game show “Kaun Banega Crorepati” (KBC) hosted by Amitabh Bachchan witnessed its youngest-ever ‘crorepati’ as 14-year-old Mayank from Mahendragarh, Haryana, scripted history by winning Rs 1 crore. Mayank, a class 8 student, showcased exceptional knowledge and strategy, stunning the audience and host alike by not utilizing any lifeline until the Rs 12.5 lakh question.
Mayank’s emotional moment arrived when he correctly answered the critical Rs 1 crore question: “Which European Cartographer is credited with creating the map that has the name America to the newly discovered continent?” Faced with options like Abraham Ortelius, Geradus Mercator, Giovanni Battista Agnese, and Martin Waldseemüller, Mayank chose the correct answer—Martin Waldseemuller—making him the first junior contestant to secure Rs 1 crore.
Despite attempting the Rs 7 crore question, Mayank decided to exit the game at this juncture. His accomplishment on KBC has garnered widespread acclaim, and Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar also congratulated him on the milestone. The episode, part of KBC Juniors Week, stands as a testament to Mayank’s intelligence and composure under pressure.
This post was last modified on 29 November 2023 6:21 pm
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