A 50-year-old man, suspected to be mentally unstable, stole an ambulance in Hayath Nagar, Telangana, on Saturday morning. The vehicle, belonging to the ‘108’ ambulance service, was taken from a hospital and driven along the Hyderabad-Vijayawada National Highway, with the siren blaring.
The theft sparked a dramatic 100-kilometer chase across Nalgonda district, with police from multiple stations joining the pursuit. The man’s reckless driving caused an Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) to be injured when the ambulance collided with his vehicle during the interception attempt at Chityala. The ASI was immediately hospitalized.
The chase ended when the thief crashed the ambulance into a railing after crossing a toll plaza, causing it to fall into a roadside drain (nala). Police quickly apprehended the man at the scene. A video of the ambulance speeding past lorries set up as roadblocks near the toll plaza circulated widely on social media, highlighting the dramatic nature of the chase.
Authorities confirmed that the suspect was taken into custody, and investigations are ongoing.
This post was last modified on 8 December 2024 11:16 am
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