A tragic accident occurred when a bus carrying Ayyappa devotees from Hyderabad met with an unfortunate incident on the way to Sabarimala. The bus lost control on the ghats of Sabarimala and rolled over. The driver died on the spot, and several devotees sustained serious injuries.
The accident took place near the hairpin bend on the ghats, about 15 kilometers from the Pampa River. Fortunately, the bus crashed into three trees, preventing a more severe disaster.
Police arrived at the scene shortly after the incident and immediately initiated rescue operations. The injured devotees were rushed to the Kottayam Medical College Hospital for treatment.
At the time of the accident, there were 22 people aboard the bus, which was carrying Ayyappa devotees from the Old City of Hyderabad. The devotees were traveling in a private bus when the mishap occurred while descending the ghats from Erumeli.