B-town actress Shilpa Shetty Kundra and her husband businessman Raj Kundra welcomed their second child early this year via surrogacy and they have named their baby girl as Samisha Shetty Kundra. Many of her fans expressed their joy for the actress while a few have slammed at her for choosing surrogacy instead of adoption. Well, haters gonna hate no matter what.
The actress, in one of her recent interviews, said that she always wanted her son to have a sibling. She revealed that she suffered a couple of miscarriages, because of an auto-immune disease called APLA, or the Antiphospholipid syndrome. Due to the disease, both Shilpa and Raj have decided to opt for surrogacy.
“I desperately wanted to have a second child after my son Viaan. But I suffered from an autoimmune disease called APLA and that came into play every time I get pregnant. It also led to a couple of miscarriages so it was a genuine issue. I didn’t want Viaan to grow up as a single child, because even I have a sister and I know how important it is to have a sibling,” Shilpa said.
APLA is an immune disorder due to the presence of abnormal antibodies in the blood associated with abnormal blood clotting, leading to migraine headaches, recurrent pregnancy losses, and low blood platelet counts. The blood clotting happens when the platelets in the blood are destroyed and hence, it cuts off the supply to the baby, and affects other organs of the mother as well.
Talking about adoption, the actress added “At a time when I wanted to adopt, I had put in my name and everything was underway. But then, the Christian missionary shut down because they had a tiff with CARA. I waited for nearly four years and then, I was so irritated and we decided to try the surrogacy route”.
This post was last modified on 22 May 2020 2:19 pm
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