Employers Would Rather Hire AI Than ‘Gen Z’ Graduates, Why?

The GenZ, those who were born between 1997 and 2012 have been criticized harshly in the recent times as they enter the workforce for the first time.

A report from Freedom Economy Index says 68 percent of small business owbers said GenZers were the ‘least reliable’ of all their employees. 71 percent said these younger workers were most likely to have a workplace mental health issue.

Around 37 percent of eployers said they would rather hite AI than a recent graduate, according to a survey from Hult Internatonal Business School. The study interviewed 1600 employers and 96 percent of employers said most college educations are not preparing people at all for their jobs.

The reasons why the employers did not want to hire recent graduates are, 60 perent said the workers did not have real world experience and 55 percent said they did not work well on a team.

Experts opine that the younger generation will likely need to gain experience in alternative ways to enter the workforce fully prepared.