Krithi Shetty gained widespread recognition as the female lead in “Uppena,” a romantic drama directed by Buchi Babu Sana. The film marked the debut of Vaishnav Tej, Megastar’s nephew, and became India’s first 100-crore club film featuring a debut hero. However, it’s intriguing to note that the opportunity initially sought a Telugu actress, and after her rejection, Kriti Shetty stepped into the role. The actress who declined the offer is revealed to be Shivani Rajasekhar.
In a recent interview, Shivani Rajasekhar disclosed why the offer was rejected. Despite being enticed by the substantial offer, she had reservations about the bold and intimate scenes depicted in the initial script.
Shivani clarified that the script she first heard included scenes she wasn’t comfortable with, and when the script was eventually altered, it was too late for her to reconsider. She candidly stated that she was uncertain about her readiness to perform intimate and bold scenes, expressing her discomfort with love-making sequences.
On the other hand, Kriti Shetty delivered a noteworthy performance in “Uppena,” showcasing her talent within comfortable boundaries.