Naga Shaurya Comes Out In Support Of Darshan

Kannada actor Darshan has been arrested on murder charges for allegedly killing his fan. The case has become sensational already in Karnataka and the actor is currently in jail as the police officials are probing the case. The verdict has not come out in the case yet. Tollywood hero Naga Shaurya has come forward to extend a support to Darshan in the case.

Especially, after the pictures of deceased went viral on social media, everyone brutally criticized Darshan and wished a maximum jail sentence for the actor. The pictures revealed how the deceased was tortured. But, some celebrities are standing by Darshan and Naga Shaurya is the first one from Telugu.

“My heart goes out to the family of the deceased, and I genuinely wish them strength during this difficult time. However, it is incredibly disappointing to see people rushing to conclusions about this issue. Darshan Anna is not someone who could ever harm anyone, even in his worst nightmares. Those who know him well can attest to his generosity, kind-hearted nature, and unwavering commitment to helping others. He has always gone out of his way to support those in need and has been a pillar of strength for many,” wrote Shaurya.

Naga Shaurya also mentioned, “I cannot, even in my darkest fears, accept this news. I have faith in our judicial system and believe that the truth will come out soon. We must also remember that another family is suffering greatly as well. They deserve privacy and respect during this challenging period. I firmly believe that Anna, known for his integrity and compassion, will be proven innocent and that the real culprit will be brought to justice.”