What If Rajamouli Makes Mahabharatam?

S.S. Rajamouli, the director of the blockbuster “Baahubali” franchisee and global phenomenon “RRR”, is known for his grand, visually stunning epics.

Many people are wondering what his version of the Mahabharata would look like, especially after seeing the epic battle scenes in “Kalki 2898 AD.”

Rajamouli is famous for his attention to detail, grand sets, and breathtaking action sequences. If he made a Mahabharata movie, it would likely be a multi-part saga that explores the complex relationships, political intrigue, and eternal conflict between good and evil in the epic. He would bring the legendary characters like Arjuna, Karna, and Krishna to life in a memorable way.

Fans are excited to imagine the scale and visual splendor Rajamouli would bring to the Kurukshetra war scenes, with his signature choreographed action and special effects. His deep understanding of Indian mythology and ability to blend it with contemporary storytelling would allow him to explore the deeper themes of the Mahabharata.

Many believe Rajamouli’s unique perspective and commitment to authenticity would create a Mahabharata movie that would captivate audiences worldwide. With that being his dream project as well, we have to see when would he actually makes it.