I Want Raj Tarun, He’s My World, Says Actor’s Rumored GF

In a shocking turn of events, Lavanya Narsinghi, who claims to be actor Raj Tarun’s girlfriend, has filed a police complaint against the actor, alleging a series of disturbing incidents in their relationship.

According to the complaint, Lavanya and Raj Tarun have been in a relationship for 11 years, and they even got married in a temple. However, the actress claims that Raj Tarun left her after starting an affair with heroine Malvi Malhotra of the actor’s upcoming film Tiragabadara Saami, as per her complaint.

The complaint further states that Raj Tarun has not been in touch with Lavanya for the past three months, and she has been receiving threats that if she tries to meet him Raj Tarun will sacrifice his life. Lavanya also mentions that she was previously caught in a drug case and spent 45 days in jail, during which time Raj Tarun did not offer any assistance.

Lavanya’s emotional statement, “Raj Tarun is my world, I want Raj”, resonates well with all, but the credibility of it should be verified. The case has taken an unexpected turn, with the Narsingi police investigating the matter. The search results do not provide any confirmation or denial from Raj Tarun regarding the allegations made by Lavanya.

It remains to be seen how the situation will unfold and what the outcome will be for both Lavanya and Raj Tarun.