Victory Venkatesh registered an all time highest career grosser with the film Sankranthi Ki Vastunnam. The movie was the last to release among the Sankranthi releases. But, it emerged as the Sankranthi winner. There is scarcity of tickets in many areas. The film unit confirmed the release day revenue a while ago on social media.
Sankranthi ki Vastunnam opened to a revenue of a gross of over 45 crore rupees at the worldwide box office. The film is registering housefulls in almost all the centers. The movie was allocated limited screens across the Telugu states because of which there is a huge demand for the tickets.
Interestingly, in some areas of Ceded, the theatre management is placing extra tickets to adhere to the demand of the audiences. Anil Ravipudi is known for catching the pulse of family audiences and he was successful once again in crafting a blockbuster.
Meenakshi Chaudhary, Aishwarya Rajesh, Naresh, VTV Ganesh and others are a part of the film. Dil Raju is the film’s producer.