Sr MLAs Raising Voice Against Jagan

After the recent assembly elections in Andhra Pradesh, where the YCP faced a significant defeat, criticism is mounting against former Chief Minister Jagan.

Even constituencies where YCP traditionally performed well, were lost. The defeat has left YCP seniors perplexed, with some blaming the Chief Minister’s office and others directly targeting Jagan himself.

Former Endowment Minister Kottu Satyanarayana didn’t mince words, accusing Jagan of neglecting the party’s winners and failing to value democratic principles. He criticized the appointment of inexperienced individuals to key positions in the Chief Minister’s Office, suggesting that those who truly represent the people have been overlooked.

Similarly, Katasani Rambhupal Reddy, a former MLA from Panyam, expressed frustration. He lamented that Jagan ignored warnings not to introduce the Land Titling Act before the elections, a move that may have cost the party votes.

Reflecting on the election outcome, MLA alleged that some villagers expressed fear that voting for Jagan would result in land confiscation. These warnings were apparently ignored, leading to discontent among party members. Overall, there’s a sense of disappointment and revolt among YCP leaders with Jagan’s leadership.