Opinion: Modesty Of Pawan & Ego Of Mudragada

With YSRC leader Mudragada Padmanabham, who proposed himself as the champion of the Kapu Community, changing his name to Padmanabha Reddy today, there is a widespread discussion regarding his ‘ego’ and how he failed as a politician as well as a Kapu leader. They are now comparing him with the deeds of Pawan Kalyan and how the Janasena Chief rose to become Read on.

Apparently, Mudragada challenged earlier that Pawan Kalyan will not even win in Pithapuram, forget about making other MLA candidates from Janasena win.

Now that Pawan Kalyan won with a thumping majority, Mudragada should have simply apologised for his rash and illogical comments. Rather than doing that, he has changed his name as challenged and showcased a lot of ego.

At the same time, Pawan Kalyan never showed that ego during his political journey. Though he broke up with TDP in 2019, he has once again united with them in 2024 for the greater good.

Otherwise, Janasena would have split lots of votes, and surely TDP and YSRCP would have got a similar edge. All we can say is Pawan’s modesty is something to learn from, and Mudragada’s ego is something we should keep away.