Jagan Wanted To Go To Himalayas After 2024 Result?

The former chief minister of Andhra Pradesh YS Jagan Mohan Reddy had a horrendous election result this year. He has been repeatedly holding assessment meetings with his party leaders and cadres.

In a belated development that came to light days after the actual YCP internal meeting, it is being said that Jagan Mohan Reddy wanted to leave politics and go to the Himalayas after seeing the election result.

As per a report from a Telugu media publication, Jagan said in this meeting “I was shocked by the election results. I just wanted to leave politics and go off to the Himalayas. I really wanted to leave it all and go to the Himalayas.”

Reportedly, Jagan said it took him 2-3 days to get back into normalcy as he was completely disgruntled by what happened in the election. He then recovered after seeing that 40% of the AP people voted for him and that is why he decided to continue in AP politics.

Well, Jagan himself saying in a YCP internal meeting that he wanted to leave to Himalayas after seeing the election result shows the kind of one-sided verdict given by AP people.