AP Assembly: After 10 years, dignity of the house is back

AP Assembly

The legislative assembly sessions are held at the cost of massive public expenditure to be borne from state’s coffers. This is the only place where the ruling party and its opposition involve in a meaningful dialogue and constructive criticism to upkeep the interests of the state.

Given its significance, the public also follow these sessions very closely to see what is the stance of the government on important issues and how the opposition is fighting against its inefficiencies.

However, it is no so uncommon for assembly sessions to witness untoward incidents whenever the representatives of either groups resort to unruly behavior. This often leads to disruption of important sessions, resulting in loss of valuable time and money for the government. And, Andhra Pradesh is no exception to this bad tradition.

There have been so many instances in the last 10 years when assembly sessions in AP resulted in absolute disgrace to the dignity of the house. At one point of time, the then Opposition leader even faced character assassination in the house. But, the ongoing sessions seem to have brought back the lost dignity as MLAs are maintaining good decorum in the house.

After the NDA alliance led by Chandrababu Naidu came to power, assembly sessions are happening in a meaningful manner. There are no unnecessary adjournments because there is no opposition party in the house and also the YSRCP MLAs along with their leader Jagan Mohan Reddy skipped the sessions.

All MLAs of NDA alliance are discussing significant issues pertaining to the state by shooting important questions and drawing solutions with a collective dialogue. There is hardly any waste of time with unnecessary heated conversations and disruptions. Many now believe that the new dispensation has put the house in order.