The unfortunate stampede that took place at Vishnu Nivasam in Tirupathi shook up the Telugu community. Already, four people lost their life and 25 others are injured. Meanwhile, some miscreants on social media are spreading hate by sharing irrelevant videos about the incident.
For instance, a particular video from 2022 is in circulation where someone claims that the ambulance driver is demanding hefty amount. The Andhra Pradesh police department immediately alerted the citizens not to believe these fake videos.
“URGENT: Beware of old videos being recirculated as recent footage from #TirupatiStampede. This particular video is from an incident that occurred in Tirupati in 2022, not yesterday. We urge citizens to verify facts before sharing to avoid spreading misinformation.” read a tweet from the official handle of AP Police.
There is criticism from all corners of the society against the government, the TTD board and the officials for failing to make necessary arrangements despite knowing that a stampede might happen. AP CM Chandra Babu Naidu is looking into this seriously and might initiate action sooner.