India Liquor Chart: Telangana on Top!

There is no denying the fact that the Telugu states population have no apprehensions when it comes to consuming liquor. The same can be understood if we look at the report furnished by National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP), New Delhi on per capita annual expenditure on liquor.

As per this report, Telangana is the state with the highest expenditure on liquor as on average, each of its residents spends Rs 1623 per year on liquor. This is the highest tally for any state in the country.

Andhra Pradesh is not far behind either. Each AP resident spends Rs 1306 per year on liquor.

Telangana’s spending on alcohol has seen a sharp rise from Rs 745 in the 2014-15 fiscal year to Rs 1,623 in 2022-23. Andhra Pradesh has also witnessed a sharp increase during the same period, with spending increasing from Rs 365 to Rs 1,306.

On the contrary, states like Goa and Kerala which are often associated with higher liquor consumption have been showing downward trends in the last decade. But the Telugu states have nearly doubled or even tripled(AP) their spending on liquor.